Embassies and consulates contact details in Dubai, UAE
If you plan for a travel, the most important thing is to keep the contact numbers of the specific country’s embassy or consulates. It will help to get assistance to make trip easy.
Basically embassies shows a good attitude towards their own citizen than other nationalities. If the tourist is met with any serious issues, the embassies help tourist to solve the issues in another country. They will serve people by representing the person in court, buy return air ticket, lend money etc.
Contact numbers of the Embassies and consulates:
Canada: +971 4 3145555
China: +971 4 3944733
Cyprus: +971 4 2282411
Denmark: +971 4 2227699
Egypt: +971 4 4445566
Finland: +971 4 2823338
France: +971 4 3329040
Germany: +971 4 3972333
India: +971 4 3971333
Indonesia: +971 4 3985666
Iran: +971 4 3444717
Italy: +971 4 3314167
Japan: +971 4 3319191
Jordan: +971 4 3970500
Kuwait: +971 4 4446888
Lebanon: +971 4 3977450
Libya: +971 4 3973972
Lithuania: +971 4 3441644
Malaysia: +971 4 3355528
Netherlands: +971 4 6321920
Norway: +971 4 6211221
New Zealand: +971 4 3317500
Oman: +971 4 3971000
Pakistan: +971 4 3970412
Palestine: +971 4 3972020
Panama: +971 4 3372538
Philippines: +971 4 6345664
Qatar: +971 4 3982888
Romania: +971 4 3940580
Saudi Arabia: +971 4 3979777
Spain: +971 4 6269544
Somalia: +971 4 2958282
Singapore: +971 4 2229789
Sri Lanka: +971 4 3986535
Sudan: +971 4 2637555
Switzerland: +971 4 3313542
Syria: +971 4 2663354
Sweden: +971 4 3457716
Thailand: +971 4 3492863
Taiwan: +971 4 3358177
Turkey: +971 4 3314788
United Kingdom: +971 4 3971070
United States: +971 4 3116000
Uzbekistan: +971 4 3947400
Vietnam: +971 4 3988924
Yemen: +971 4 3970131
Information Courtesy: http://www.hotelsindubai.com/info/embassy.htm
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