UAE National Race Day 2013-14 Series

UAE National Race Day 2013-14 Series
The National Race Day series hosts its 8th round on this day.
The racing season is back in a flash this year at the Dubai Autodrome with round 8 of the National Race Day series. Get ready to witness the intense speed and thrills of cars on the tarmac, racing for the coveted top spot. This event is open to the whole family and is a must-see for not only fans of the sport but everyone else as well.
UAE National Race Event Details
Date: Friday, 11th April 2014
Duration: 1 day
Audience: General Public
Category: Sports
Venue: Dubai Autodrome, Motorcity
Admission: Free Admission
Telephone: + 971 04 367 8700
Website: www.dubaiautodrome.com
Information courtesy: www.dubaicalendar.ae/uae-national-race-day-2013-14-series-round