Cafe Scientifique – 2014 Event in Dubai UAE

Cafe Scientifique Dubai
CafeSciDxb brings together speakers and the public to discuss current day issues and ideas in science and technology at a casual cafe setting. This time being potential Mars settler, Mikolaj Zeilinski.
Mikolaj Zeilinski is a Dubai resident who has been one of the lucky few of the 705 individuals who has been chosen by the Mars One Project. The Mars One Project is a non-profit organisation that aims to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars.
Mikolaj will be giving an introductory speech and to mark this Café Scientifique Special, there will also be a debate on whether or not a one-way trip to Mars is desirable. Arguing for is Occupational Therapist and Vocational Specialist, Adam Griffin and arguing against is primary school Principal, Christopher McDermott.
Having had their roots firmly planted back in 1998 at Leeds, UK, Cafe Scientifique brings together inquisitive minds and leaders and influential speakers to discuss topics relating to science and technology. The speakers of each event is first introduced after which the floor is open to the atendees to air their questions and doubts to the speaker and the rest of the folks attending the discussion.
CafeSciDxb meetings are free to attend, are held on the last Friday of each month, and take place in the early evening with a variety of locations to keep things new and interesting.
Cafe Scientifique Dubai – 2014 Event Details
Date: Friday, 30th May 2014
Duration: 1 day
Timings: 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Audience: Adults
Category: Arts / Culture, Community
Venue: Biorganics Store, I-Rise Towers, TECOM
Admission: Free Admission
Telephone: + 971 55 99 31 859
Website: www.cafescidubai.com
Information courtesy: www.dubaicalendar.ae/en/event/events/caf-scientifique-may-2014