Arabian Travel Market 2014

Arabian Travel Market
Do not miss the Arabian Travel Market, the most popular annual travel and tourism event in the region.
Arabian Travel Market is the travel and tourism event unlocking business potential within the Middle East for inbound and outbound tourism professionals. Tourism destinations from the Middle East and around the world showcase a diverse range of accommodation options, breathtaking tourism attractions and new airline routes.
Arabian Travel Market 2014 Event Details
Date: Monday, 5th – Thursday, 8th May 2014
Duration: 4 days
Audience: Investment Executives, Professionals, Retailers & Corporations, Trade Professionals
Category: Business
Venue: Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre – Dubai World Trade Centre
Admission: Online Registration
Customer Service: arabian.helpline@reedexpo.co.uk
Contact Details
Mob: + 971 4 364 2811
Tel: +44 208 271 2158
Fax: +44 208 334 0740
Website: www.arabiantravelmarket.com
Information courtesy: www.dubaicalendar.ae/en/event/events/arabian-travel-market-2014