Achieving Women Awards Dubai 2023
Achieving Women Awards Dubai 2023 – Nominations are now open for the 2023 achieving women awards Dubai, aims to celebrate, respect and recognize women, who are setting themselves up as role models on the MENA business community. It highlights a mix of keynotes, masterclasses, and panel discussions.

Picture Courtesy: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.entrepreneur.com%2Fen-ae%2Fwomen-entrepreneur%2Fnominations-are-now-open-for-the-achieving-women-awards-and%2F444620&psig=AOvVaw1wHMpXSRhPfq3gQXJe4JJx&ust=1676611160232000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCNCHt7almf0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
The 2023 Achieving Women Awards Categories includes:
- Architecture
- Management
- Public Relations
- Retail
- Social Enterprise
- Social Media
- Influencer Tech
- Venture Capital
- Angel Investment
- Apps Aviation
- Banking
- Construction
- Consultancy
- Design
- Education
- Engineering
- Entrepreneurship
- Ecosystem Fintech
- F&B
- Healthcare
- Hospitality Law
- Logistics
- Marketing
- Private Equity Project
- Management
- Public Relations
- Retail
- Social Enterprise
- Social Media
- Influencer Tech
- Venture Capital
For Nominations
Click Submit Nomination
Note: Fill in all the required field
Click ‘Submit’ to complete the process
A confirmation message will pop-up
If any queries e-mailed to sarah@bncpublishing.net or melanie@bncpublishing.net
For Sponsorship
Click Apply For Sponsorship
Click For Platinum Ally
Register For Achieving Women Forum
Where is the venue of The 2023 Achieving Women Awards?
Sofitel the Palm
United Arab Emirates
What is the date and duration?
March 01st, 2023
What are the timings?
9.30 AM – 1 PM
Contact Info:
Email: sarah@bncpublishing.net, melanie@bncpublishing.net
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